Robeco Emerging Markets Asia Select Equitie... |
The securities selected for the Sub-fund's investment universe may be components of the Benchmark, but securities outside the Benchmark may be selected too. The Subfund can deviate substantially from the weightings of the Benchmark. The Portfolio Manager has discretion over the composition of the portfolio subject to the investment objectives. The Sub-fund aims to outperform the Benchmark over the long run, whilst still controlling relative risk through the applications of limits (on VaR Ratio) to the extent of deviation from the Benchmark. This will consequently limit the deviation of the performance relative to the Benchmark. The Benchmark is a broad market weighted index that is not consistent with the environmental, social and governance characteristics promoted by the Sub-fund.
Die Anlagephilosophie beruht auf der Überzeugung, dass die aktive Steuerung ausgewählter Wertsteigerungsfaktoren und ein einheitliches Anlageverfahren zu einer stabilen Outperformance führen. Der Robeco Divirente VaR 2 investiert auf der Grundlage des erfolgreichen weltweiten All-Strategy-Ansatzes in eine breite Palette an festverzinslichen Instrumenten. Das Ergebnis ist die Möglichkeit von stabilen, positiven Erträgen in einem wechselnden Marktumfeld. |
DAX | 19.626,45 | 200,72 | 1,03% |
TecDax | 3.429,57 | 32,74 | 0,96% |
MDAX | 26.320,47 | 94,65 | 0,36% |
Dow Jones (EOD) | 44.910,65 | 188,59 | 0,42% |
Nasdaq 100 | 20.930,37 | 185,88 | 0,90% |
S & P 500 (EOD) | 6.032,38 | 33,64 | 0,56% |
SMI | 11.764,20 | 54,40 | 0,46% |
EUR/US$ | 1,0578 | 0,00 | 0,23% |
EUR/Yen | 158,3380 | -1,60 | -1,00% |
EUR/CHF | 0,9318 | -0,00 | -0,02% |
EUR/Brit. Pfund | 0,8306 | -0,00 | -0,16% |
Yen/US$ | 0,0067 | 0,00 | 1,01% |
CHF/US$ | 1,1357 | 0,00 | 0,23% |
baha Brent Indication | 72,09 | -0,71 | -0,97% |
Gold | 2.653,79 | 12,55 | 0,48% |
Silber | 30,71 | 0,60 | 2,00% |
Platin | 941,62 | 4,28 | 0,46% |